Project Egaisi, Beautiful from within

Your generosity would give health right to every adolescent girl and BPL woman of Dibrugarh, Tea Town of India.Read More

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A woman's menstrual health is at the center of her well-being. At the same time, it is also of great importance to the well-being of her family as well. Greater emphasis on menstrual issues means improved health for India's women, which automatically translates into a rise in education, employment, income, and development.

India has more than 355 million menstruating women. Out of this, only 36 per cent use sanitary napkins. 71 per cent of adolescent girls remain unaware of menstruation until their first menstrual cycle. In fact, their first sighting of blood accompanied by pain and other physical symptoms causes them to believe that they are either dying or have caught some horrible infection.

All of the above is not something new that we are saying and there are different schemes to benefit the rural population but the 'gap still remains' and for some reason they are unaware about it, even if they are aware there is hesitancy coming forward to ask or enquire. On top of that, they silently suffer in the name of being a menstruating female ignoring their health, hygiene in a society where a menstruating cycle of Goddess is worshipped.

On 15 August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first Prime Minister of our country to address menstrual health as not just a problem affecting women, but as a matter of public health. A much neglected but necessary part of public health, his remarks gave renewed impetus to our healthcare system to focus on this issue.

Once girls reach menarche, there is significant evidence indicating increased restrictions to their mobility, they do not have access to education to puberty and menstrual health, they do not have access to quality, affordable sanitary products and they also do not have access to appropriate sanitary facilities like bathroom, soap and water.

Hence, Deusa Foundation is coming up with a facility center at Dibrugarh, Assam where we will manufacture our own sanitary pads named "Egaisi" and work towards improving and providing:

  1. Health (Hygiene improvement) To make "Sanitary Protection: Every woman's Health Right";
  2. Economic (Employment) To give woman not only health right but financial independence too';
  3. Social empowerment of woman & Adolescent Girls
The word EGAISI means the one who is BEAUTIFUL in the Deori language, do join us in supporting our endeavour in breaking the silence and be able to discuss about the issues that are considered taboo or dirty and help in creating an inclusive environment where MENSTRUATION is considered SACRED.
Lets make life with menstruation beautiful.